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A few years ago, Daron and I started doing family bible study at home with the kids. We felt God speak to us about the importance of discipleship and biblical teaching. We genuinely believe that discipleship starts at home as parents, and we should model what God looks like in our everyday lives. Setting an example is crucial to fostering an environment of curiosity and discipline around God. Doing so will help give our children clear direction throughout their lives, regardless of circumstances they may face as adults. If you have never done a family Bible study or are new to reading the Bible, here are a few of our favorite Bible books to study as a family.
How to Start Bible Study as a Family:
We began by selecting a book of the Bible each month and reading it together one night a week after family dinners. We’d review the assigned chapters and discuss what we learned and what stood out to each of us. Sometimes we all loved the same parts and, sometimes, had totally different perspectives. We would also ask the kids to bring their favorite verses from each book that spoke to their hearts and share them. As a parent, I hope this will give them the confidence to believe His words and stand on them when the time comes. Pulling scripture from memory when you need it most has been life-changing for me, and I know it will be for them too.
The Gospel of John:
The Gospel of John is one of our favorites because it tells the life story of our savior, Jesus Christ. It is the fourth gospel, covering a slightly different time span than the other three, including the miracles of Jesus turning water to wine and raising Lazarus from the dead. Children seem to enjoy and find both fascinating. Knowing and understanding all that Jesus did helps us understand other books of the Bible. The most important part, however, is that through faith in Jesus, we are saved.
The entire Bible is important, but Ephesians sheds light on the Unity of the Church and the Armor of God. It’s also an excellent place for new or young Christians to learn about the significance of their salvation. Here is the exact study book that we used. It did an incredible job of walking us through it as a family!
It helped root our kids in Christ and give them the equipment needed to live how He calls us to be. The armor of God is one of the most powerful tools we have to face adversity and triumph over it.
Scripture for Families: 1 Peter
1 Peter is one of our favorite Bible books as a family because it provides encouragement for hard times. It tells us that God has chosen us, and no matter what happens, we have hope in Jesus! Written when Peter and the church underwent intense persecution, the theme is living victoriously even when we are unjustly suffering. Children (and adults) can have enormous emotions. So many things can feel like a big deal when everything is new to you. My hope as a parent is that this book reminds them there can be peace in the midst of chaos
Another Farmer favorite, Galatians, highlights how the Gospels give us a new identity in Christ. Here is a link to get the Bible Study we did for the book of Galatians. It’s a 6 week study that explores what it means to walk by the spirit.
Every aspect of Galatians turns our attention to God. We are now His sons and daughters, part of the New Creation and part of a community that looks at the heart and not the flesh. Children are so impressionable. It’s imperative to guide them toward their true identity in Christ so that no one can corrupt what is authentically His.
Proverbs is full of wisdom for how to live well. It actually starts with a father teaching his son! Most of the sayings are short and easy to remember, helping kids know how to enjoy life but still make sound decisions and not fumble their futures by accident. Proverbs also focuses on surrounding yourself with great people – from friends to their potential spouses, I think this is solid advice. You really can’t go wrong in studying Proverbs as a family.
Scripture for Families: James
James is one of our family favorites because it teaches how to live a faithful and righteous life. It deals with temptation, our words, wealth or lack, and much more. It offers a practical way to live a Christian life that most people and children can relate to immediately. Here’s the exact Bible Study book that we used as well.
It also reminds me that our God is a responsive God who’s there to help us in our struggles. I pray that my children will grow up to call on God when they need Him most and witness the same affirmation and comfort that I have.
Other Bible Books to Study as a Family Options:
On top of our favorites above, we also found some wonderful Bible study guides you can order and follow together as a family:
- Attributes of God Verse Card Set for Kids
- Gospel Conversations for Kids
- Never Alone: A Depression Study
- Gospel Hope in Grief and Loss
- Rest: From Eternity to Eden
I hope our favorite Bible books to study as a family gives you a solid start to bringing bible study nights into your home. Share these with a friend and encourage them as well!
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